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  • Collection: UIS History Harvest 2018 - Being Illinoisan

Self walking guide of museum exhibit at African American History Museum. The guide walks you through the entire exhibit.

Front of Lincoln Home Pamphlet
A pamphlet from the Lincoln Home that was handed out to visitors in 1937. The contributor, Jared Kaylor, got it from his uncle who came into possession of it in the 1940s or 50s.

Honorable Discharge Certificate awarded to Lanzy M. Baker on May 29, 1952 for serving in the United States Army.

1965 New Berlin High School yearbook. Images of clubs, sport teams, and students.

A newspaper article. Details the opening of a new historical marker in Springfield Illinois at Enos park. The marker is dedicated to the lost St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and the Lithuanian community.

organ pipe from St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. The Church was built in 1909 and demolished in 1976. Most of its congregation was Lithuanian immigrants and their descendants. Lithuanians immigrated to Springfield Illinois to work in the coal…

Photograph of Springfield, IL city champion softball team of Paris Cleaners. Top third from left is Mary Martin.

This is a Park Sherman Co. cigarette case. Park Sherman created many metal goods in Springfield, IL from the 1930s to 1960. This case may have been carried during WWII. This example was acquired at an antique shop.

Family photo of Lithuanian immigrants from 1909. They first arrived in Pennsylvania and moved to Illinois. They lived on Peoria Rd, Springfield, Illinois.

The photo is accompanied by a short excerpt explaining the founding and expansion of the Springfield Hospital and Training School. This hospital would later become Memorial Medical Center.
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