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A book written by a local Illinois Author about Lithuanians in Springfield. Inspired by a blog filled with stories about Lithuanian Americans in Springfield Illinois.

A photo of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Springfield Illinois, on the corner of 8th and Enos. Taken June 15th, 1945. A Lithuanian cardinal stands in the center. Also pictured is a statue from St. Casimir's College in the Vatican which was…

Family photo of Lithuanian immigrants from 1909. They first arrived in Pennsylvania and moved to Illinois. They lived on Peoria Rd, Springfield, Illinois.

A newspaper article. Details the opening of a new historical marker in Springfield Illinois at Enos park. The marker is dedicated to the lost St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and the Lithuanian community.

Senator Dick Durbin's reply to the Illinois State Historical Society and to Sandy Baksys, declining the chance to speak at the Lithuanians in Springfield Historic Marker. Each one page in length. One is typed and Signed, the other hand written. He…

A newspaper article from the Albion Journal detailing a large fire happening within the town. The article is written at 4:30 AM while the fire is still taking place. At the time of writing, it was the biggest fire the town had seen with over $100,000…

Written by Tony Leone--who has served as the election administrator for the Sangamon County Clerk and City Election Commission, as well as many other roles as an election expert--this 1996 editorial weighs the options of whether or not Springfield…

This pro-Republican Party button attempts to unify voters and move the country in a new direction by focusing on one main issue and platform--recovery.

This button highlights the Republican Party and their legacy as the Party of Abraham Lincoln.
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