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  • Collection: UIS History Harvest 2018 - Being Illinoisan

This button depicts the four Presidents of the United States-Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama-that have roots in the State of Illinois.

VP, Walter Mondale, visits Loami to address farm issues and campaign for Jimmy Carters second term.

Newspaper articles from The State Journal Register and the Jacksonville Currier about Walter Mondale's visit to Illinois.

The New Berlin Historical Society loaned these vinyl records. They were a source of entertainment in the mid twentieth century. They were used for dances and in clubs.

Joe Pecoraro and his sibling visiting the Bozo the Clown Show in April of 1979.

This is a non-fiction work focused within the Southern Illinois' town of Cobden. It followed Dick Ruggles' journey to Cobden and his two year stint as head coach of a successful underdog team: the Appleknockers.

This lantern was utilized as a reenactment piece for the Wide-Awakes Walk.

The brochure shows the three African American U.S. Marshalls to promote Robert Moore's book the Presidents Men.

This is an original brick segment from President Abraham Lincoln's only owned home in Springfield, IL. The renovations and brickwork completion was proposed and finished by contractor Harry C. Jorgensen.
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