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  • Tags: Abraham Lincoln

This lantern was utilized as a reenactment piece for the Wide-Awakes Walk.

This is an 1864 Coin/Token of the Lincoln and Johnson Campaign during the Civil War Presidential Election. Lincoln is featured on one side with the text, "For President Abraham Lincoln," and Andrew Johnson on the opposite with the text, "For Vice…

1864 Coin/Token from Republican Abraham Lincoln's Presidential Campaign. One side features a portrait of Lincoln. The opposite side reads, "Our Union." This election was during the American Civil War.

1860 Ferrotype Coin/ Token featuring Republican Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln and his running mate Hannibal Hamlin. A 'ferrotype' is a photograph printed on metal. The pictures fade somewhat, but are still easily recognizable. This is part…

This political banner for the 1860 Presidential election is likely a copy of a lithograph on linen featuring the Republican Party nominees Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. "The flag was meant to hang like a banner in parades and other political…

These are two separate tickets placed side by side in the photo. The one on the left is a Republican Party Illinois Election Ticket as verified by Library of Congress. The one on the right would be the Democratic Party Election Ticket, researching…

This was a political chart published probably prior to Abraham Lincoln receiving the Republican Party nomination. Charts were generally ways in which the public learned and communicated about Presidential candidates, though H. H. Lloyds & Co would…

This photo was taken at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield. President Richard Nixon is signing a bill H.R. 9798 authorizing the Abraham Lincoln Home National Historic Site. Congressman Paul Findley, of the 20th Congressional District of…

Poster from the 1980 Republican National Convention in Detroit, Michigan July 14-17 in which Ronald Reagan was named the party's nominee for President and George H. W. Bush for Vice President. The poster depicts the 16th President Abraham Lincoln and…
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