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  • Tags: government document

Barnwell_Kristi_Scan_A_1A edit.pdf
Kristi Barnwell's first passport which she used while traveling to Yarmook between getting her bachelor's degree and PhD. During her travels to Jordan to study Arabic she spent time in Petra, Jerash, and Madaba.

An official proclamation from the city of Springfield that gives special recognition to Lithuanian Americans on May 19th. Created in 2012 for the unveiling of a historical marker dedicated to Lithuanian Americans and the old St. Vincent de Paul…

This is a ration card for tobacco issued in the summer of 1945 to Eugene Taylor. Taylor served in the Marines during WWII. 12 of the 26 tabs have been used. The card was issued on May 1, 1945 and expired October 29, 1945. Rules for using the rations…
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