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  • Tags: 1972

These political buttons span a wide range of presidential elections, with the exception of Carol Moseley Braun for U.S. Senate. Candidates on the buttons come from a variety of political parties, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, as well as…

This is a flyer for George McGovern’s Presidential election in 1972. The flyer focuses on farmers in Kansas, encouraging them to vote for McGovern and Shriver if they want to see a profit from farming.

"Nixon Now" was a campaign slogan from Richard Nixon's run for president in 1972. He had a campaign song with a similar chorus. This button includes a union stamp on the back.

The striped button is a replica of the Uptown People's Coalition…

Brad Glass was Illinois State Treasurer from 1973–1979. Although not stated, these buttons and sticker are most likely from 1972--before he came into office. Brad was a part of the Republican Party.

A campaign poster from the 1972 presidential election with the words "Now More Than Ever." There are also several campaign buttons attached ranging from the years of the 1950's to 1984, Candidates include Reagan, Ford, Paul Findley, Edward Madigan,…
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