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  • Tags: Federal Election

Magnet commemorating Hillary Clinton's nomination as Democratic nominee for the 2016 Presidential Election

From the 2016 presidential campaign, this sticker features an outline of presidential candidate Donald Trump, along with the slogan, "Stop Bigotry."

Magnet in the shape of a dog's paw, playing on the name "Barack."

These political buttons span a wide range of presidential elections, with the exception of Carol Moseley Braun for U.S. Senate. Candidates on the buttons come from a variety of political parties, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, as well as…

These bumper stickers are promotional materials from Barack Obama's successful run for Democratic president in 2008. Includes his campaign slogan, "Yes We Can"

Cast iron boot jack in the shape of a donkey's head. The left ear reads, "Roosevelt" The right ear reads, "In 32" Franklin D Roosevelt went on to serve as President for four years

Human Rights pamphlet describing Hubert Humphrey's "program to uphold the dignity of the individual." Hubert Humphrey was the Democratic nominee for President during the General Election of 1968.

Sample ballots for the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates for the General Election of November 5, 1968. Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew were the Republican candidates for President and Vice President. Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie…
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